Monday, February 21, 2011

Thanks for listening!

Thanks to those who tuned into our Rediscover Records Radio Hour on Saturday Night on WRMN 1410am in Elgin. Despite some glitches, errors, or rookie mistakes we think it went pretty well. Special thanks to WRMN, our sponsors, Brandon Couture, and David Ham for helping to spin the records and make me sound at least, somewhat professional. As of this writing, this was a one-time shot on the radio. However, all indicators point to more Rediscover Records Radio Hour's in the future. Stay tuned! All the records we played are available for purchase at Rediscover Records. Please support the artists, buy your music.

Visit our "News" link on our website to see the playlist. We think we covered at least some musical ground in our maiden voyage. We hope to have more broadcasts in the future. Look to this page, our website, our Twitter Page, or our Facebook Page for more information.

Here is the link, by the way, to our playlist, scroll down a bit to see it all. We played the Reverend, Al Green, and we also played local faves, The Reverends, and had a special introduction by Brandon Couture, guitarist in the band. Check out the playlist!

Here is one song that we played dedicated to the "In the Neighborhood Deli". It's Tom Waits and "In the Neighborhood" off his 1983 record "Swordfishtrombones"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

WRMN Radio Show Tonight!

Remember to tune into WRMN 1410 A.M. on your radio dial *tonight* from 7 to 8pm to listen to the first ever Rediscover Records Radio Hour. Please don't let the Radio Shopping banners on WRMN's site scare you. This'll be a music show! While we love the Radio Shopping Show and we have spots running on it, we're gonna push those radio shopping show shopping carts way out past the cart corrals and way out into the middle of the parking lot. Instead......we'll be spinning records, talkin' music, and having a great time. Please join us, won't you? Also, in on the action will be Brandon Couture of the legendary local band, The Reverends.

We'd be remiss in not thanking the people who helped sponsor us and make this radio dream a reality. Please consider clicking these links for more information for each business. Thanks again, we are very grateful!

They'll be no genre left unturned, no genre left unsoiled, well, as least we'll play as much music as we can in a one hour time slot. Hopefully, this will grow into a much larger project.

Rediscover Records today!
Rediscover Records....Living the Dream since June.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WRMN Radio Show

We'll have more details to follow in the coming days, but we are excited to announce we will be appearing live on a one hour radio show on WRMN 1410 here in Elgin!!

Look for more information soon! It'll be on the a.m. dial in the p.m. of your evening. Look for the best of new releases and also since we'll be on AM radio, look for some of those great A.M. hits of the 60's and 70's that you may remember from your transistor radios! We may need to bring one of these 45 inserts (pictured left) for all the great singles we'll be playing!

Always look to our live website for the best in new vinyl, info, and other record related news!

Keep 'em spinnin!