Friday, February 23, 2018

Sunshine Boys *Live* at Rediscover Records

We are thrilled to announce that we will be having a special record store appearance by Chicago pop practitioners Sunshine Boys! The show will take place on March 24th at high noon and they'll play for an hour. They'll be here to promote and play songs off their new record "Blue Music". It's going to be an incredible afternoon of live music that you really will not want to miss. Seriously, set an alarm on your phone right now . . . "March 24th 12pm to 1pm at Rediscover Records"

Here is a little more about the band via their Bandcamp site, 

Sunshine Boys are a Chicago-based trio of veteran recording and touring artists from some of the most revered bands in indierock. Featuring Freda Love Smith (Blake Babies, Antenna, Mysteries of Life), Jacqueline Schimmel (Justin Roberts, Big Hello), and Dag Juhlin (Poi Dog Pondering, The Slugs), Sunshine Boys offer a propulsive, melodic take on pop rock.

Listen and purchase a couple tunes from their Bandcamp site to get an idea of the pop genius assault you are in for!

The show will be FREE but we will gratefully accept any donations you have that will go directly to Sunshine Boys that day. Purchase the CD or any merch they may have too!

We'll be open for regular business too so while the show is going on, please feel free to browse a little before, during, and after the show.

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